Wednesday 25 February 2015

Reading in McCahon Class

We're loving our new learning space! The best part is that we can spread out through the makerspace and the new library when other classes aren't using it.

Below are a few photos Mrs Kingston snapped inbetween Reading Workshops.

Monday 23 February 2015

Home Learning Challenge - Arnav is paving the way!

This year we have Home Learning Challenges which link in with Key Competencies and our HPS Values.
Here's Arnav's slide showing the special meal he planned and helped to prepare.
Great work Arnav!

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Flipping our lessons: Wk 3 T1

We've been flipping lessons in class and now we're using the iPads to share our learning and make our own tutorials.
Here are Evajaline's, Toma's and Hati's efforts!

This is my first Explain Everything video of 2015. This tutorial shows you how to use rounding and compensating when adding decimals. My two stars is that I loved that Explain Everything captured everything I drew on the Ipad and that I could change the colours I was first given. My wish for next time is that I stay still so that the speaker isn't blocked.

I think I did well, anyway, it was my first time! It was really fun playing around with Explain Everything on the iPads! I love learning about new tools on the iPods and iPads. The best part about this adventure was trying out the new ways of writing, erasing, colours etc. Technology is so great!

Star: I think I was good at explaining the strategy and it made it easier to understand
Star: I think it was simple and I did not make it difficult to see or understand what I was saying
Wish: I wish for me to get used to this app and learn to make my words more interesting and me sounding like I am more into maths

Hi my name is Hati. This my first video on my blog and it tells you how to use rounding and compensating I hope you enjoy it.

Thursday 5 February 2015

A bit of fun with Alka Seltzer Rockets

This term we're looking at Kitchen Science - the kind of experiments you can do with things you might find in your kitchen (or even bathroom!). 

This is a video a group of us made with Miss Kim.
After experimenting we came to the conclusion we  need to find better film canisters - the white ones with the lid that clips in would give the best seal, allowing the gas to build up and so a bigger POP!

We'll make another movie showing the results from round 2 of experiments and explaining the Science behind it all! 

Watch for the blooper reel after the credits!

Week One Done!

We've had a busy start to the year!
Miss Kim from Auckland University has joined us and will be with us in Week 2 and then 2 days a week for the rest of the term. We're lucky to have another teacher in our class who loves using digital learning tools as much as we do!

Here's a look at McCahon Class 2015.
We're in for an exciting year!